
CPR 101

Watch this video to learn how to properly execute CPR and AED in an emergency cardiac arrest situation.

easy as 1-2-3

Three Steps to Deliver CPR and AED to a Patient


The first thing you should do in any emergency situation is to use the acronym STOP:

  • Stop what you are doing.
  • Think about the emergency.
  • Observe the risks.
  • Plan.

Also, as the rescuer, consider wearing gloves while performing CPR to protect yourself.

Perform CPR

Tap & Shout: establish unconsciousness with the tap & shout method.

Call 911: Have someone on the scene call 911 and come back, then get/find a defibrillator.

Head Tilt Chin Lift: Determine if there is any sign of breathing by lifting the chin, tilting the head back, put your ear by their mouth, then look, listen, and feel.

Perform Compressions: If there’s no breathing, perform compressions. Place the heel of your hand in the center of their chest, with your other hand on top. Lock your elbows and push straight down. Perform 100-120 compression per minute. Breathing is not needed in the first few minutes.

Shock With a Defibrillator

Most defibrillators are automated and only require three simple steps to use.

1. Turn on the Defibrillator: Use the GREEN button to turn on the defibrillator.

2. Set Pads: Place the defibrillator pads onto bare skin.

3. Step Back: Once the pads are placed on the patient’s bare skin, step back and let the machine analyze and deliver the shock automatically. Ensure no one is touching the patient when the shock is delivered.

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